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Frequently Asked Questions

Refund policies vary based on the specific card and purchase conditions. Please refer to our refund policy on the website for detailed information or contact our support team for assistance.

Yes, you can use your Digital Visa Card anywhere Visa is accepted, making it ideal for international transactions and online purchases.

To purchase a Digital Visa Card, visit our website at virtualvisa.cc, select the desired card type and denomination, and complete the purchase process. The card details will be sent to your email within the delivery schedule.

You can use your Digital Visa Card for online shopping, subscribing to services, or making payments wherever Visa is accepted. Simply enter the card details at checkout on your chosen website.

If you encounter any issues with your Digital Visa Card, please contact our dedicated customer support team. We are here to assist you with any questions or problems you may have.

Yes, we prioritize your security. Our Digital Visa Cards are designed with top-notch security features to ensure your transactions are safe and protected.

We offer a variety of card denominations to fit different needs and budgets. You can select the denomination that best suits your requirements during the purchase process.

There are no hidden fees for using the card within the first 7 days. If the card is not used within 7 days, it will be frozen. You can unfreeze the card up to 5 times for free, each unfreezing lasting 24 hours. To keep the card active beyond this, a $1 monthly fee will be deducted from the card balance.

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